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Oradell Public School - Special Services Blog
04/06/2016 13:01:24
Please see the "Community Events" section for a new opportunity involving upcoming reading workshop for parents/caregivers of preschoolers and kindergartners at FDU's Center for Psychological Services. The flyer is titled "Clinic Shared Reading Workshop Flyer Center for Psych Serv FDU site IRB approved 3_21_2016 amend_17".
This seven-week workshop series will provide families with strategies for building vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and print recognition skills, as well as for making reading time together fun for everyone. Improving the quality and quantity of shared reading time at home can increase children's motivation to read and build their reading skills.
If there are children you know of who have been involved in the I & RS process because of reading struggles this school year, or who you anticipate having challenges in this domain as they enter kindergarten, it may be very beneficial to recommend this workshop to their families. The program has been helpful to parents/caregivers whose children are already excited about the reading process and have strong skills in this area as well, so we welcome all families who are interested in making reading time at home more enjoyable and productive.