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Oradell Public School - Special Services Blog
03/02/2016 08:31:47
The New Jersey Department of Education Offices of Special Education Programs, Supplemental
Educational Programs, and Assessment are hosting regional PARCC (the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers) information sessions specially designed for parents of students with
IEPs and parents of students who are English language learners. These one-hour sessions will include
general information on the PARCC assessments, the purpose of statewide assessments for all students,
specific information on the accommodations and accessibility features available to students, and an
opportunity to ask questions.
PARCC parent information sessions will be held at the following times:
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. for parents of students with disabilities
7:30 – 8:30 p.m. for parents of English language learners
March 10, 2016 is the nortnern NJ event, hosted a 7 Glenwood Ave, Suite 201, East Orange, NJ 07017 at the Learning Resource Center North.
There is no charge for parents to attend the PARCC information sessions.
For questions regarding the sessions, contact Paul Fogarty at (609) 292-9033 or by email at paul.fogarty@doe.state.nj.us.
Register online at: http://education.state.nj.us/events/.
For directions to the Learning Resource Centers please go to: