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Oradell Public School - Special Services Blog
02/02/2016 08:40:01
See the Community Events section for two flyers involving upcoming 6th grade transition presentations and events at River Dell Middle School.
The first event is a 6th grade transition meeting geared towards parents of children with IEPs and 504 plans. These events will take place on Wednesday March 2, 2016 at 10am and 7pm, both in the LIBRARY of River Dell Middle School.
The second event is scheduled for Friday March 11, 2016. This event is geared toward 6th grade students and takes place at Oradell Public School.
The third event is scheduled for Tuesday March 15, 2016. This event is scheduled for 7:00pm in the River Dell auditorium with a snow date of Tuesday March 22, 2016. This is a general orientation meeting with the intended audience of ALL parents.